Post by Eversor on Sept 20, 2020 15:25:34 GMT -5
[CAST] Sin on the half-fug in your old digs
"Well, the zombie is sstill over there, and it could finissh with that eyeball at any moment...sso I think I'll ssplassh a bit of Ssin over there."
"A wise decision!"
"Wow, that Ssin was actually pretty usseful!"
"Good thing we can clearly see its effects from here."
"Yess!" Cast Create Vinegar on the torches
"W...why did you do that?"
"Jusst wanted to remind mysself how much vinegar I can make when I have my orb."
"Noted..." TAKE everything on the table while we're at it. Hand our familiar the wand, maybe he could help us do magic later on. Power of friendship and all that.
"You sshould get your sstuff too, you know."
"Oh yes, I just wanted to give you time to fool around."
-Acquired Magical Staff- -Acquired Bag of Tiny Books- Send your Familiar into the next room first. The power of friendship is strong, but guards are stronger and might try and kill you.
"Zorkmid, thiss cage is a little heavy to drag around, can you ssearch for a key in the other room?
"Certainly sir! I'll be right back."
"How bad could the next room be?"
Post by kaninchen on Sept 20, 2020 16:34:16 GMT -5
Room: be full of kittens
Post by blank on Sept 20, 2020 17:33:47 GMT -5
Think of how you met Zorkmid
Post by Koshi on Sept 20, 2020 18:31:10 GMT -5
You've just jinxed it.
Post by Ten11 on Sept 20, 2020 19:30:54 GMT -5
>Room: have an interesting smell
Post by voratiousentomologis on Sept 21, 2020 1:35:49 GMT -5
Room: Be mysteriously full of odd corpses. Like, not the kind of corpses you'd expect, certainly not the kind anyone would just leave or store, and your not even sure if a necromancer could use them. It's not even that ominous or scary that these corpses are here, just odd and mysterious.
Post by PuntRocket on Sept 21, 2020 18:58:59 GMT -5
>Cast Summon Vuvuzela
Post by ixlikexcommas on Sept 21, 2020 19:25:37 GMT -5
Zorkmid: Encounter your old enemy/former kazoo orchestra rival in the next room.
Post by Eversor on Sept 23, 2020 21:23:11 GMT -5
>Room: have an interesting smell
"Euugh, now that I am actually ssmelling it..it ssmellss like my grandmother'ss housse. Everything okay in there Zorkmid?"
"Uhh, you need to come in here, Sir."
Room: Be mysteriously full of odd corpses. Meow mEow Meow
"Okay. I genuinely have no idea how to processss thiss.."
>Cast Summon Vuvuzela IT IS TIME! "Uh."
*Honk hOnk*
Post by dadger on Sept 23, 2020 23:04:40 GMT -5
Those skeletons don't look like they had fun. Teeth purge these cats.
Post by fuzzysocks on Sept 23, 2020 23:10:19 GMT -5
Can you use cure boo boo on the skeletons?
Post by nuggies on Sept 23, 2020 23:14:21 GMT -5
those bowls are empty!!!!! create some vinegar for those thirsty cats
Post by kaninchen on Sept 23, 2020 23:15:53 GMT -5
Cast Sin on the litterboxes
Post by PuntRocket on Sept 23, 2020 23:17:55 GMT -5
>Speak To the Wizard Cat. "So, why are you here? Are you... eating..." (notices skulls) "squmps?"
Post by Crimson on Sept 24, 2020 10:53:10 GMT -5
You must gentle caress the cat in the back. It is high up and is thus their lord. Appease it.